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Home Projects Kara Energy Systems Emsflower GmbH – Emsbüren Germany

Emsflower GmbH

Emsflower is located in Germany and is one of the largest nurseries in Europe. A nursery that likes to be at the forefront of the market. So Emsflower also wanted to give more attention to the environmentally friendly production of its products. Throughout the chain. Generating your own energy, being less dependent on fossil fuels and saving energy costs were high on the sustainability agenda.

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Biomass supply

In order to transport the biomass towards the fireplace, a solution based on walking floors was developed. In this way the biomass is delivered to the furnace via an automatic feeding system. Optimal efficiency is not determined by combustion alone, but it is the entire chain that determines Emsflower’s success. The biomass supply system plays an important role in this.

Desired biomass

Prunings, wood shreds and other low-grade & untreated biomass resulting from landscape maintenance. This form of biomass has a high moisture and sand percentage.

Biomass combustion

The core of the bioenergy concept is the combustion. For Emsflower we chose a combustion solution based on a hydraulically moving inclined grid with a long residence time. This is a strong solution for the flue gases and can also guarantee complete combustion of various types of (low-grade) biomass.

Biomass output

The output of the bioenergy solution at Emsflower Germany is:

  • 8MW heating
  • 1MW electric
  • 18 bar steam (90 degrees Celsius)

Flue gas cleaning

Optimal efficiency is in the tail of the bioenergy concept. Flue gases are purified to avoid or minimize the environmental impact. At Emsflower we chose a flue gas cleaning system by means of an electrostatic filter.

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    Plesmanweg 21
    7602 PD Almelo
    The Netherlands
    +31 (0) 546 – 876500