Reinders Corporation®
Home Projects Enerdes Greenhouse Climate Systems Houweling’s Greenhouse

Houweling’s Greenhouse

Houweling’s is a world-renowned family business that focuses on the sustainable cultivation of tomatoes. The company continually innovates to be as environmentally conscious as possible.

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Houweling’s greenhouse in Utah (11 hectares) was built next to a power plant so that the heat and CO2 emitted by the power plant can be used in the greenhouse. The transport of the heat and CO2 from the power plant to the greenhouse is done with a flue gas duct developed by Enerdes.

Besides the flue gas duct, Enerdes has designed and supplied various other installations. From air handling units with cooling pads in the greenhouse and the corridor to the complete design of the boiler room and associated heating and CO2 system.

Houweling’s Tomatoes Utah was awarded the Excellence in Energy Award in June 2016 and may call itself Energy Innovator of the Year. Houweling owes the award in part to its flue system.


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